Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Low octane gaming

I like games. This much is true. The problem is, I'm not very good at them. So I'm starting this blog to provide a non-gamer's perspective on gaming. You're not going to find strategy guides, walkthroughs, or cheats here. Just one lame chick's opinions on the lame games she plays.

Currently, I am horribly addicted to hidden object games (HOGs) which I mostly play at home on my PC, but I've put a few on my laptop, just in case I need a fix on-the-go. To date, the best ones I've played (and there are many) are Puppet Show: Mystery of Joyville, and its sequel, Puppet Show: Souls of the Innocent. What makes one HOG better than another? Lots of things! But, for me, it's all about the mini-games and puzzles. Let's face it, finding hidden objects is pretty much the same across the board, but a really good HOG will have challenging puzzles and mini-games, decent graphics and, if you're lucky, a remotely interesting story. Puppet Show has 'em all!

So creeeppyyy...but very pretty.

The hidden object pictures are very pretty, and just challenging enough without being too frustrating.

There are many mini-games that you need to complete in order to advance the story. If you hate these kinds of puzzles, no worries - if you wait a few minutes, you can skip it and get back to finding hidden objects.

The best thing about HOGs? No physical skill required! If you can click a mouse, you can play a HOG. If you're anything like me, though, you will click and click and click....and click.


  1. Awesome new blog! I can`t wait until you talk about a board game...that`ll be cool!

    HOG gaming, huh? I didn't even know this was a thing before hearing about it from you. It's like an advanced level of "Where's Waldo". I understand its appeal.

  2. OOoooOOo. pretty pictures. Nice blog, but i'll admit was a bit a wee bit sad that you didn't talk about board games! ha ha. Not that i am a board game geek or anything. What is your next entry about?!? do tell.
